
  • temperature range: - 30 °C to +300 °C
  • acid, solvent and alkali resistant
  • low-ash and free from solids
  • completely non-toxic
  • NSF No. 154984 Category H1

  • for ejector pins in injection moulding machines
  • for roller, plain and ball bearings at high temperatures 
  • as lifetime lubrication for bearings 
  • suitable for oxygen fittings

Technical data


                                Specific value                     Unit         Testing method





Consistency provider:




Base oil:




Drip point:



DIN 51 801

Water content:


weight %

DIN 51 807

Tendency to coke:


weight %

DIN 51 551

Resistance to cold



MIL-G 3278 A

Consistency class:



DIN 51 818

Temperature range:

-30 bis +300



Worked penetration:


1/10 mm

DIN 51 804

Oxidation resistance: 100 h, 100 °C:



ASTM D 942

Water resistance  Bei 20/50/90 °C:



DIN 51 807

This information has been carefully compiled and reflects the current state of technical development. We reserve the right to make changes in the interest of progress. No liabilities of any kind can be derived from it.

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500 WDT Grease
filling capacity: 15 kg
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